FotoFinish allows you to adjust the pixel and print dimension of a photo as well as its resolution from the Resize dialog under the Image menu. Keep in mind that when you change the pixel dimensions of a bitmap image, you are downgrading its quality and sharpness, not just changing its size. This change in the pixel dimensions of an image is called resampling.
When you decrease the number of pixels in the image you are downsampling, which results in a loss of image data. If you increase the pixel dimensions of an image (upsample), FotoFinish has to interpolate between the existing pixels. It tries to estimate how to fill in the “missing” pixels using a mathematical algorithm. This often creates a blurry and pixelated image that looks worse than the original.
If you often need to upsample, you should take a higher-resolution image with your digital camera or scan the image at a higher DPI instead of resampling. Reduce the number of pixels to reduce the file size and viewing dimension of an image for Web or e-mail publishing. You should avoid resampling images that are going to be printed.
Related Topics:
Why Resampling for the Web and E-mail is Important
Resizing and Resampling in FotoFinish